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I'm Pregnant, Should I Stop Running?

I'm Pregnant, Should I Stop Running?

If you’re an avid runner, you may be wondering whether you should continue running while pregnant. Pregnancy is a very exciting time, but it can also be a confusing one when it comes to exercise. It can be challenging to navigate the best ways to stay active and healthy, and lots of people think that they have to give up all of their hobbies.

The good news is that, in most cases, it’s completely safe to run while pregnant. It can even be beneficial to continue with a familiar exercise routine. You can keep up your normal running for as long as you feel comfortable and adapt things as your pregnancy progresses. However, there are some important things to consider before lacing up your running shoes.

Before continuing or starting any exercise routine during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with your doctor or midwife too. They can help to determine whether running is safe for you based on your medical history and current pregnancy.

Benefits of Running During Pregnancy

Benefits of Running During Pregnancy

If you run regularly, you will be familiar with the general benefits of this type of exercise. Running during pregnancy can also provide several benefits, including:

  • Support Cardiovascular Health
Running is an excellent way to maintain cardiovascular health during your pregnancy. Exercise can help to reduce the risk of common problems in later pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Improve Mood and Mental Health
Like other forms of exercise, running can release feel-good hormones called endorphins. These chemicals can help to reduce stress and anxiety during pregnancy. They can also help to boost mood and support mental well-being.
  • Adapt to your Changing Body
The female body changes so much during pregnancy and running can help you to adapt to your changing shape and weight gain. Regularly exercising can also help to keep your muscles and joints strong during pregnancy, reducing common aches and pains.
  • Faster Postpartum Recovery

Staying active during pregnancy can help speed up postpartum recovery. Maintaining your cardiovascular health and muscle tone can be beneficial during labour and the weeks following. You can find out more about running post-pregnancy here, we have put together some useful information to start you back on your running journey after having a baby.

Advice for pregnant runners

Advice for Running During Pregnancy

If you’re keen to continue running during your pregnancy and your maternity team has said that it’s safe for you to do so, there are a few things to bare in mind;

Slow Down

When you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself whilst running. You may need to slow down or stop running long distances and you should be able to hold a conversation whilst running. Exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous to be beneficial when you’re pregnant.

Listen to Your Body

It’s crucial to listen to your body whenever you’re exercising during pregnancy and make adjustments to your running routine as needed. Don’t hesitate to swap your run for a walk if you’re feeling tired or your body needs a rest as your pregnancy progresses.

Hydration and Nutrition

You should always fuel your body properly when you run, but this is even more important when you’re pregnant. It’s essential to drink plenty of water before, during and after exercising. You should also eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes enough protein and carbohydrates.

fuel your body properly when you run

Choose the Best Routes

Make sure you’re warming up and cooling down properly whenever you run, and choose your routes wisely. It may be best to avoid certain routes that can increase the risk of injury, such as uneven paths and slippery surfaces. Check the weather too and avoid running in extreme weather conditions such as high heat or humidity.

Clothing and Shoes

As your pregnancy progresses, you may need to invest in some new running clothes. There are maternity running collections that are designed to be more supportive and comfortable. You may also need to purchase new running trainers to accommodate the changes in your body.

Looking to Get Some New Running Gear?

In most cases, it’s safe and beneficial to continue running during pregnancy. However, we would always recommend that you consult with your maternity team before exercising. Remember that every pregnancy is different too, and it’s essential to listen to your body and make any adjustments to your running routine as needed.

If you’re searching for somewhere to purchase women's running clothes and running shoes to wear during pregnancy, be sure to explore The Run Hub website. We pride ourselves on being one of Ireland's best running retailers and we stock a huge selection of running gear from well-known brands. If you’d like to speak to a running specialist about running during pregnancy, feel free to pop into one of our Dublin running stores. We can provide you with some useful tips and recommend the best running clothes or running shoes to wear.