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Wearing the Right Supports for Running Injuries

Wearing the Right Supports for Running Injuries

Getting an injury whilst you’re running can be a major setback, especially when you’re training for a big race. The thought of being sidelined due to an injury is very frustrating and it’s something every runner dreads. However, depending on the extent of the injury and how you handle the recovery, you could be back on your feet before you know it.

Lots of people use running supports to help heal injuries and protect their bodies whilst running. The correct supports for running injuries can make a big difference, minimising your downtime and keeping your training program on track. Below we have looked into running injuries and specialist supports in more detail.

Common Running Injuries

Runners can experience a variety of injuries that affect different parts of the body, each impacting their running journey. For example, Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition where inflammation of the tissue stretching from the heel to the toes causes pain. Runner's Knee is also something many runners experience when upping their training intensity, involving pain around or behind the kneecap. Shin Splints is a frequent complaint among new runners or those returning to running after a break too. Each of these injuries requires careful management to ensure you can safely return to running.

Staying Injury-Free

To remain injury-free, there are a few things you can do whilst training. Incorporating proper warm-ups, cool-downs and stretches into your running routine is always beneficial. Similarly, some strength training and flexibility exercises can also help reduce the risk of injuries by improving muscle balance and joint stability. When increasing your running intensity or mileage, make sure you’re doing it gradually to avoid overloading your muscles and joints too. Not to mention, you shouldn’t overlook recovery and rest days. This allows your body to repair and strengthen, reducing the likelihood of injuries.

How Supports Can Help

Wearing supports can help with both the healing and prevention of common injuries. These supports provide stability, reduce strain during activity and can alleviate pain whilst training. Some common running supports include;

  • Knee Support - These can stabilise the knee joint and are ideal for healing Runner's Knee. By aligning the patellar tendon, knee braces can redistribute stress away from the knee joint during high-impact activities.
  • Ankle Braces - These provide support to the ankle, reducing the risk of sprains and strains. By immobilising the ankle joint, these braces also help prevent unnatural movements that could lead to further injury.
  • Arch Supports - These are crucial for runners with Plantar Fasciitis, as they distribute pressure more evenly throughout the foot. They also provide necessary arch support that can prevent flattening of the foot, which puts more tension on the tissue.
  • Compression Sleeves - These are useful for managing Shin Splints and they help by improving blood flow and reducing swelling. Compression items also provide comfort during recovery, making it easier to get back to running after injury.

Choosing the Right Running Supports

Selecting the right supports for your running injuries involves a few key considerations;

  • Consult a Professional - Before buying any support, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess your specific condition and recommend the best type of support to wear. This advice is crucial for addressing the injury correctly and ensuring you don’t aggravate it further with unsuitable support.
  • Fit and Comfort - Make sure the support fits you properly. A poorly fitting brace can do more harm than good. It should be snug but not so tight that it cuts off your circulation. A good fit should feel supportive yet comfortable enough to wear for extended periods while you’re running.
  • Activity-Specific Supports - Look for supports that are specifically designed for running. These will offer the right balance of mobility and stability. Supports made for running are often lighter and less restrictive than those designed for other types of sports, which could hinder running performance.
  • Quality Materials - High-quality materials will ensure the support lasts longer and maintains its shape and function, providing consistent support even after frequent use and washes. Breathable fabrics are also essential to prevent skin irritation and discomfort during runs.
  • Adjustability - Adjustable supports are beneficial as they allow you to adjust the fit as required, which can change as you recover from an injury or as your needs evolve during training. This flexibility is key in accommodating changes in swelling and pain levels too, allowing for a gradual return to training.

Ordering Supports for Running Injuries

While running injuries can understandably be frustrating, the right strategies and tools, including wearing supports, can help you manage and prevent these setbacks. By choosing the right running supports for your individual needs, you can ensure you not only recover properly but also continue to train effectively, keeping your finish line goals within reach.

Here at The Run Hub, we stock a comprehensive range of recovery and rehab and compression products to help runners look after their bodies. You can shop conveniently via our website if you need extra support whilst running or you can visit one of our running stores in Dublin to speak with a member of our team. We will be happy to discuss your running issues and needs in more detail, and help you find the best products to take good care of your body in the long term.